We have just finished deploying and despatching 131 Apple workstations for a global Creative Company, providing them with a flexible, hybrid workplace (a mix of office and home working) and business resilience in an uncertain world. Deployment and despatch took less than three weeks.
Read our case study for more details, and contact Richard for more information on how we can provide cross platform support for your organisation.

As cyber-attacks intensify the cost to insure against an IT security breach is soaring. Insurers are looking more closely at the levels of security in an organisation before offering a policy and premiums are at an all-time high. If the security controls are low, a reduced level of cover, or no cover, is being offered.
The answer is prevention. Strengthen the security controls and insure accordingly. Deploy fit for purpose layers of security, train staff and establish a robust backup policy.
Don’t leave it until it’s too late. We can assess your security needs and then ensure your IT systems are secured, up-to-date and proactively supported with Firewalls, Backup, Encryption and Data Recovery. Call the team for help and advice.
Richard.twigger@conformedia.co.uk T: 0113 234 148

We have been ensuring that the post-pandemic workspace model our clients chose is underpinned with the right IT. This means their IT systems support productivity, efficiency, great communications and total security.
This is an interesting report from @harvardbusinessreview on different post-pandemic workspaces: As It Was, Clubhouse, Activity Based, Hub and Spoke, Fully Virtual. The review is based on 1,600 Australian office workers.
What works for one business may not work for another and therefore the business strategy along with employee preferences must be taken into consideration. We will work with you to develop your future proofed IT strategy – whichever model you chose.
Contact Richard for more information on how we’ve been helping businesses like you. T: 0113 234 1548